I've loved you since the day I saw you.
Your furry little face and sweet little eyes looking up at me as if to say,
"You're the one."
"You're the one whose make-up I will hijack and hide behind the couch. You're the one whose food I will steal, plants I will knock over, feet I will chase, and shoes I will curl up on. You're the one whose clean clothes I will roll in, bathtub I will swim in, and whose hamper in which I will hide.
We will play in the leaves...

...escape from baths...

...and pile in the hammock for a good nap.

We will win Mile High Ferret Club costume contests for our "sock"er team costume...

... and will greatly enjoy sleeping in our new litterbox.

I will show my appreciation of your hard work by running around the extremely large cage it took you forever to build...

... and even stop every now and then to pose for a picture and a kiss.
I will play in the trash...

... and in the vacuum....

... and even with the dog.

I will be your companion on your travels...

... lick your tears when you cry, and war dance in celebration whenever there is joy.
I will be your best friend."
Over the years we have moved through many houses, eaten much Top Ramen, and overcome many obstacles. Thick and thin we've stuck together and made it work... even if I had to pay for your food in quarters.
Many pictures have been taken, toys destroyied, and noses held. Many accidents cleaned, messes mopped up, and baths taken.
You've made me smile.
No one can make me laugh like you do. You are the class clowns and the best cuddle bugs. I love the way you yawn after a hard play, always find your way into the most awkward of positions, and invoke lots of oooo's and ahhh's every where we go.
Maverick, you are so handsome. I remember when you were just the size of a hot dog. I carried you everywhere in my hoodie pocket (including the grocery store) and got so many compliments on how well behaved you are. You are so gentle... not even a nibble from you in your entire life. I remember when you were a baby and you'd cry your little ferret cry if I even left the room. You take care of all of our little friends... you even like the dog. When I was a young girl I used to beg my dad for a ferret... and when I got you, well, you were worth every minute of wait. And no matter how many hammocks or beds I buy you... your favorite is still an empty soda box. You are so very special and so smart... you have stolen as much of my heart as you have of my makeup.
Zoey, my sweet girl, you make me laugh like nobody's business. I love how you always want to be picked up and will gladly leap into the air to grab an offered hand... scary to strangers but endearing to those who love you. And oh how I love you. Always the first to the food but most picky about what you eat. I come home tired or stressed and see that happy face pacing the cage, waiting to play and cuddle and suddenly the whole world is bright. There is no other ferret I have met quite like Zoey-bo-boey.
You've given light to my life and everyone who knows you.
You forever have a piece of my heart.
I love you weasels... always and forever.