electric guitars...fairy tale endings*
Current mood:
"some of the greater things in life are best unseen... thats why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry, and dream..."
Where is the place where dreams are born? A place of beautiful light... surrounded by all that is good, all that is just, completely untainted by the harsh situations we all face?
No... dreams are born in the cobwebs... the dusty, often overlooked, part of our journey through life. They are born in the darkness, the times of sorrow, the times of melancholy reflections. They are what move us... the twinkle... the hope... the light that lights the way to a better time.
Why do we let go of our dreams? Is it the pressure to be grown up? To do the right thing? Or do we let go of what we want in the face of stark adversity... giving up because it was the easy thing to do. After all... who really lives their dreams anyway?
"... dreams are a wish our heart makes..."
Learn to play the electric guitar * find someone that loves me for who I am * Become a police officer * Become a vet * Buy a bulldog * Be happy in my own skin * Be a world class ice skater * Learn to ride a skateboard * Play hockey in the olympics * Be a mom * Be close with my own mom * Be best friends forever * Stay close with those friends of old * See my KJ grow up * Be a wife * Have awesome inlaws * Find prince charming * Inspire others * Volunteer * Learn to cook * Learn to speak at least 5 languages * See Austrailia * Afford a pair of Christian Louboutin's * Stay grounded * Be beautiful * Be the best * Keep learning * Earn a Ph.D. * Be a bike mechanic * Have lots of bikes * Always have pickles and cheese on hand * Have a house of my own * Have a celica * Make a difference * Have a group of friends that last a life time * Have my best friend by my side when I get married * Get married * Be a Broncos Cheerleader * Have a dance studio * Have a tanning salon * See my friends succeed * Feel needed * Get a bird * Own more than one sportbike, and be good at riding all of them * See a Vegas show * Own a lime green lambo * Have season tickets to Texas Longhorns Football * Have the money to take care of my parents * Be gracious * Build a shelter * Have a non profit * Take care of my friends * Make people laugh * Get a mustang * Be good at my job * Love my career * Be comfortable * Be loved * Be important * Raise my children to be stellar people * Have children * Have no fear * Grow old with my best friend * Have my mom and dad for the rest of my days * Be close with my brother * Love all unconditionally * Be accepting * Play lots of sports * Have a garden * Have a basketball hoop * Work hard * Be in love * Celebrate 50 years of marriage... and counting * Achieve my dreams * Never stop dreaming....
In my short 21 years on this earth I have achieved many of my dreams. Many I have not. The question is... when do you stop taking the path you are on and try a different route to make your dreams come true? When do you decide that the battle is lost, but the war is far from over and turn back in hopes of collecting a new game plan and moving forward with new strategy? In war there are many casualties. Some will be won, some will be lost, but few will be around forever. While I'm a big believer in controlling your own destiny, I'm also a believer in the old adage *things happen for a reason*. Some people are in your life for a specific reason. Once their purpose has been fulfilled the go on their journey. Others are in our lives for a period of time to teach us and help us grow. And while we don't always understand, don't always get an explanation, and often hurt long after theyre gone, when its their time to go, they too move along a different path.
Then there are those that are there for a lifetime. They help us achieve our dreams. They lift us up when we are face down in the mud... ready to give up. They are apart of the dreams they help us realize.... that prince charming, that best friend, that person we may have yet to meet...
"... a dream becomes a goal with steps are taken toward its achievement..."
Unfortunately... it is not for us to decide who is ours, who helps us through, who makes the whole journey... and who drops out of the race. But isnt that what life is about? Faith. Faith that the universe will not steer us in the wrong direction. Faith that there is abundance where ever we go and that there is more that enough love, affection, kindness, knowledge, happiness, and friendship as long as we have the courage to step up and grab it?
"courage is feeling the fear....
and doing it anyway..."
If you were standing in a dark closet, would you be surprised to know that your dream was right in front of your nose... all you have to do is turn on the light?
There is power in love.
There is power in kindness.
There is power in knowledge...
there is power in your dreams....
but you have to turn on the light....*
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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