FuCk tHe MeN leT’s dRinK to Us... Part 2*
Current mood:
I should be in bed. I should be sleeping. I'm not.
I propose a toast... again. (this is part two. the original was written over a year ago and i'm amazed how much my life has changed...and its always good to remind yourself of what you're thankful for) 
...to stinky little snakes with legs who make your apartment smell horrible...
...to not being able to smell that stink... 
...to realizing your life is in transition, and looking forward to what's ahead...
...to that pang of jealousy that lets you know you care...
...to the bite mark bruises on the back of your arm...
...to peaches...
...to taco bell hot sauce being the best on any type of food...
...to growing up...
...to new chapters in life...
...to realizing you never needed them as much as you thought...
...to missing them all the same.
...to lime green hummers... 
...to secrets...
...to pretty white carpets spilled on by strange tea from sonic...
...to down comforters...
...to cuddling...
...to us...
...to sleeping late... 
...to letting go...
...to playing guitar hero all night long with your second dad...
...to your little sisters being your best friends, your entertainment, and the ones who always eat the last of your cajun chicken top ramen...
...to the pussy posse, rokkit girls, chic riders, womin x, and sick girls...
...to the female riders that represent every day...
...to road rash...
...to gear...
...to how she looks in the sun after she's just been polished...
...even better... to how she looks under parking lot lights at night...
...to her scratches...
...to late night rides together where its so cold you feel like you are going to fall asleep and never wake up... but wouldn't wish to be anywhere else...
...to ant killer... 
...to realize that hating her doesn't make her go away...
...to being the only dork in the sportbike community that refuses to get rid of her fender...
...to that first ride alone...
...to long hot motorcycle safety courses... and to being the only one who didn't drop the bike...
...to Woody's hot wings for every meal you can...
...to living across the hall from an old friend...
...to old friends...
...to the texas longhorns and that wonderful orange color that never gets old...
...to being independent...
...to learning...
...to amazing yourself with the things you can do...
...to letting go...
...to boucing back...
...to sitting on the carpet of your apartment... watching robin williams and eating hot wings with your favorite wife...
...to big bear...
...to vanilla coke zero...
...to leaving the job you hate but staying in the same field youve grown to love...
...to pictures... in albums, on your computer, and in your heart...
...to homemade christmas presents that always mean the most...
...to furry friends, relatives, and children...
...to the sisters that take care of everything (including you... a sobbing mess on the floor) when one of the furry friends passes away...
...to hookie cookie...
...to getting up early to take her to school...
...to staying up late with her to watch every episode of buffy...
...to missing your girls...
...to fitting into old jeans you haven't been able to wear in years...
...to the gym, to the trainer, and to all the hot guys you get to watch on the treadmill...
...to a night of walking everywhere because your truck broke down... and really enjoying it...
...to adventure...
...to reflection...
...to sunsets...
...to the nice neighbor with the boxer that lives upstairs and always says hi...
...to old hockey sticks...
...to old teammates...
...to piercings and tattoos being as addictive as mountain dew...
...to mountain dew...
...to memories...
...to being needed...
...to being okay with needing...
...to progression, advancement, and achievement...
...to new beginnings as the you that you love...
...to taking risks...
...to being silly...
...to pink pearl hangers...
...to walk through closets...
...to nakedness...
...to forgiveness...
...to being the bigger person...
...to being thankful for all that you have seen... all that you have loved... all that you have worked for and been given...
And to deciding that those men aren't always so bad... maybe they can drink with us too....
...must be the puppy chow...
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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