puRsEs, sHoEs, sunGlaSseS...*
Current mood:
..> ..>
where does inspiration come from?
i am not beautiful like you... i am beautiful like me..*
Most women understand this simple comfort. The never let you down. A new makes everything better. Purses are almost underrated.
Even the uncomfortable ones are tremendously loved. Each point, sparkle, strap and buckle adds just a little flair... a little confidence to the girl wearing them.
big gorgeous sunglasses. The perfect pair can glam you up on a day with no make up... or hide your tears from the boy that broke your heart.
I've never been a big girly girl but these three things are something that every girl can appreciate. Where does inspiration come from?
the real journey to discovery does not consist of
seeking new landscapes...
but having new eyes...*
It is amazing how the inspired can conquer all. A touch of inspiration can trigger events that can change the world. Why then, is it so hard for so many to be inspired? We give up on our dreams... on the details that give our daily life purpose. We get lost within our selves. Bogged down by the mundane, the hearts that once soared with hopes suddenly are flightless... simply trying to make it through the day. How sad life is when we have lost all hope for the future.
either die to live or you are just living to die...*
purses shoes and sunglasses. Just simple representations of the life we all should hope to have. One where we feel secure... that all our hopes and dreams and loved ones are within arms reach when we need them...
...one where we know that we are glamourous and wonderful... that nothing can stop us from getting where we need to go or stop us from taking strides to be the people we were truly meant to be...
...one where we are comforted when things get tough... a shelter... a soft place to fall where we can retire to and pick up the pieces... only to emerge more wonderful than before...
life is beautiful...*
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