nOthiNg wOrtH hAviNg eVer CoMes EaSy*
Current mood:
nothing worth having ever comes easy... if it did we wouldn't appreciate it nearly as much.
Its amazing how roadblocks just fall on the path almost as quickly as the path appears. Its as if life is saying "alright... how much do you want it?"
How much DO I want it?
That is an excellent question.
With it or without it I am still me. I'm still smart and kind and loving... I still love to give to others, make people smile, and learn from those around me. I still eat pickles and cheese in the same bowl, make silly faces with my sisters, and still make the best damn spaghetti on the planet. But therein lies the possibilities. And as we all know... i'm all about the possibilities.
What if this something teaches me... allows me to grow as a person and as a part of something more. What if this something is exactly what I have been waiting to find?
Maybe it is... Maybe it isn't.
Optimisim doesn't grow on trees... sometimes it seems as though it just isn't going to happen. Too little time, too many complications and just not enough mental or emotional strength to make it through. Are the rewards great enough that the cost will be worth it? You never know until you ride it out and see what waits for you at the end.
How much do I want it?
Well... we are about to find out.