I've got what it takes... FREE TO A LOVING HOME!!
Current mood:
::sigh:: Life can be so simply complicated.... confusing, I know...
I have decided that it is very difficult to think like a guy and be a girl at the same time. Most of the time there isn't a girl in me to be seen but when she comes out its a damn kodak moment... and its usually at a time that I really don't want her to come out. I love life but it feels like something is missing... a hole that no crotch rocket, booty call, puppy, football game,hundred dollar purse, or new zombie shooting video game can fill. I love being one of the guys... so many of my best moments is doing something stupid with my best guys in the world.... but then the girly needs start to come out... and not the girly needs that can be filled by a pedicure and some new sandals. I am very proud that I don't lower my standards just to be with someone... it has been almost three years now of no serious stable boyfriend and most of that has been of my own choosing. Dates are nice,booty calls are fantastic... after all you musn't forget you are talking to a pimp here ;)... but its getting to a point where its all so shallow anymore. I always am the tough guy, the protector of all of my friends... the female dr. phil always giving advice from sex (guy mind remember lol) to girly mushy lovey stuff. I definitely believe that sometimes relationships are overrated.... there is nothing wrong with being single and loving it, that has been my life for the past few years and I have grown extremely in that time. But its hard to overlook the finer things that are missing. With more than one of my friends happily pregnant and or getting married it makes me wish that I just had someone to share things with. Not quite that jump into it lets hop into bed, make some babies and put on the white dress now, but someone that I can spoil and spend time with that just loves me for me. It seems like every time I find someone that I would be interested in having something real with (which is an act of god in itself since i'm so damn picky... but hey, high standards means high quality
) things just somehow... fall short. And I have been so uninterested in having a relationship for so long (because it was a get to know myself better and do things for me thing after a very long relationship with a dirty end) that trying to have anything more than a booty call is extremely challenging... i think i have lost my touch
. Its like I have forgotten how to play the game... forgot the rules completely. When to call when not to call how to act what to say... but honesty has always been a loyal friend so I can't go too wrong
... there are a couple guys that could be something ... one in particular that I wish I could be closer to. He is an amazing guy... we have so much in common and he's so sweet... its been so long since I have been around a guy that actually asks about how I am or how MY DAY WENT. Things were going really awesome... lots of notes and chatting and flirtyness... it was awesome! Then all of the sudden things just... stopped. He still makes an effort to show me he cares... he still does all my goofy little surveys which totally make me me smile... but I don't know how to act. I don't want to push anything and stress him out even more... I know he has a lot going on and from what I have been told (and I quote) I shouldn't get my hopes up... he's got an ex that he is still very much attached to. ::sigh:: Isn't that just my luck. I would love to show him how good things can be but in this life the only person you can control is yourself. I know he knows that I care for himso the only thing left to do is drop it.
Things will happen how they happen... everything happens for a reason. Patience is a virtue and I have a LOT of patience. Life is a marathon... not a sprint to the finish... everything will all pan out one way or another for the best.
Moral of the story? Its called a break up because its broken, you can only ever control you so be the best person you can be, patience is nice to have,and everything happens for a reason. 
... must be the puppy chow...
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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