Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pray for Aurora: Live life appreciatively*

After watching a lot and seeing many posts about the tragic events so close to home, I feel extremely compelled to put this out there. 

It is easy to be concerned in and touched with the tragic events that occur. Tragic events are apart of the human condition. But ask yourself, besides feeling better that you prayed, that you gave your concern and condolences... are you living that which you speak? Are you kind to those around you? Patient and loving? Do you do things for strangers and love your community without needing such a cause? Sure it is easy to talk the talk, but if you truly care about your fellow man and the suffering, live better yourself. Have more patience with your kids, your partner, your family. Do good for those who have nothing to offer you in return. Treasure your life and the lives of others. Make someone else's day for no reason other than you care. So many feel torn up and so concerned, yet go and live their lives in the completely opposite fashion of the words they speak. If you want to do something for those that lost their lives or the families they left behind, give of yourself to make your community better.... to make yourself better. These times of grief are times where we should be reminded to treasure our lives and those we love, squeeze every moment out the special times we share, and remember to always strive to be the kind of person that leaves the world better than when we got there. And eventually, we all will leave this earth. What will you be remembered for? What will be your legacy?

Let us not only think of those lost in terms of this one event out of many that made them who they are, and let us not do them the injustice to be just a name associated with an event that was only a fleck of time in each of their beautiful lives.

Live every second as if it were your last.. because this event has given us just another cold reminder that it could very well be.

Our prayers are with you Aurora.

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