I am*
Current mood:
I am learning. I am crazy. I am a lot of things all wrapped up in one. If for no other reason than to reaffirm to myself who I am this blog is for me. Pull through if you want... don't bother if you're here to judge or criticize... i'm stubborn.. it won't do you any good. 
I am long nights of cajun chicken top ramen and guitar hero. I am sexy kisses and snowball fights. I am hand holding and cuddling, biting, spanking and hair pulling. I am the life of the party... the girl that will do anything for a laugh. Often the subject of clear and shiny jokes, always blonde, never regretful. I am the love of life, fast bikes, football with old friends, great memories. I'm strange, more than a little unusual. I am a hopeless romantic that doesn't like to admit she secretly likes the mush... a girl that knows who she is and what she wants. I am me.
I am a hockey playing dancer that loves rock music, lime green, and pickles and cheese.. yes in the same bowl. I'll go shot for shot of goldschlogger but dear god don't give me beer. I am an ex pagent queen that hated dressing up and didn't give a second thought to rolling around in the mud playing football with the boys in a brand new dress.
I've been beaten and bruised and through more things than you can imagine someone my age having already gone through. I'm happy with life... I'm happy with who I am.. including the bad moments that molded me. I am wiser I am stronger I am smart beyond doubt (even if I am a little bit Jessica Simpson sometimes
) I'm the girl that gets in water fights with the little kids instead of sitting with the adults... and usually the one that gets in trouble
. I am pro mooning, flashing, and other various forms of public nudity. I am straws up the nose, fart jokes, and laughing at random yet completely hilarious things. I am all for mismatching shoes, socks, and wearing undergarmets on the outside. I am stand up comics until milk shoots out noses...I am...
I am dancing in the mirror to Red Hot Chili Pepper's Suck My Kiss in gym shorts, a sports bra, and socks. I am accepting. I am playing beer pong with three of my best friends in the basement after a UFC fight... and making my team mate (that i love more than anything) drink all the beer. I am never turning down a bet. I am loving. I am all about helping people see how great they truly can be. I am all about shit, fuck, and goddamnit being used as verbs and adjectives in at least 10 conversations per day. I am pets, people, and fun. I am bitchy, confrontational, and self righteous. I am a good sport, a kidder, a prankster, and a trouble maker. I am a thrill seeker and a home body. I am singing Prince at the top of my first soprano lungs with my alto best friend while sitting in front of little sister's high school. I am Korn, and britney spears. I am me.
The list goes on and on. But most importantly, I am kind. I am beautiful. I am loving and smart and hilariously funny even when I don't mean to be. I am not perfect. But I am me.... And even if no one else is okay with that... I am. :)
... must be the Prince ;)... or maybe the dan~sam... oh damn it.
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