the difference between a boy and a man...*
Current mood:
boys. we come across them a lot.
they are the ones drunkenly slobbering on you at sporting events, rubbing up against you at clubs with their only criteria being that you have breasts, crudely cat calling you as you walk down the street (no matter who you are with), and generally annoying the hell out of you and 10 of your closest friends. They are the ones that complain about how long it takes you to get ready yet who spend a good hour longer than you in the bathroom... the ones that have no depth and only seem to care about when they can get their hands on another beer. They can't hold an intellectual conversation to save their life and usually change girls more than they change underwear.
real men are different. those are a little harder to find.
real men are the ones that always seem to make you smile. They are typically found in the same old ratty ball cap they have worn for years just because its their favorite. They are the ones who are in line ahead of you at starbucks and pay for your drink without taking any credit for it or asking anything in return. They are the ones that kindly listen (or at least lovingly pretend to listen) about your horrible day... even while the game is on. They are the ones who think that you're beautiful in sweats, take care of you when you're sick, kiss you with morning breath, and realize you have a heart and a mind behind all that preening. Real men accept people for who they are, love unconditionally, and support growth in those around them.
You can always tell the real men from the boys when you look close enough. They don't care about whats new and exciting and are much more enthused by what they have always loved... teams from when they were little ( no matter how bad they suck ), good food and friends and know that its the little things in life that make life worth living. Boys could care less about where they are going in life, know nothing of their long term goals, and live only in the moment with no care for the future. Real men appreciate the moment but want to strive to be better... to be smart and healthy and be the best possible person that they can be.
So to the girls that say "where are all the real men!?" Look a little harder.... they are all around... you just have to know what to look for ;)
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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