<~~~~ tired of being the dirty little secret*
Current mood:
do you ever get that feeling that you are doing something seriously wrong and you can't quite put your finger on it? I do... 
I don't know why things are the way they are but I know that I don't like who I have become. I used to be so happy... I used to demand so much respectand never settled for less than what I thought I deserved. Somewhere along the line I gave it up and I'm not quite sure how to get it all back. Granted I'm definitely working on it but sometimes you simply wish that it was a task completed instead of a work in progress....
... there's so much I need to fix in my life right now... so much I need to figure out... I think I am at one of those crossroads in life where I'm questioning everything I thought to be true... everything I thought I stood for...everything that I am. I am starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel but i'm sure there are many spiders in the darkness. All I know is that I am tired of being walked on... tired of feeling like shit for no reason.. wait no, scratch that, I'm sick of allowing myself to let other people's thoughts have such an effect on me. Part of me is starving for something or someone to call my own and I'm sacrificing who I am for something that is not worth it. In the end all you have is yourself... and i'm not going to be treated like I'm less than any more. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being treated like i'm not good enough when most of the time the exact people that are saying that shit have no idea about the person that I really am on the inside... so i'm reverting back to the me I like much better and here's the old slogan back to service me once again... FUCK OFF. That's right. You heard me. FUCK OFF. No longer will I be anyone's dirty little secret. No longer will I fuel everyone elses ego's with the coal thats supposed to go in MY fire. Fuck that. I'm tired of being a dirty little secret, the runner up, the one that gets the shaft. Its my turn to have success and love and all the things that a hard working, giving person should have. No I'm not perfect... not even close. But I'm not going to let anyone rub their dirt on me anymore. To all of you *guys* that think i'm going to continue to kiss your ass (and there are a few of you) in hopes that you will get some booty while I'm a puppy at your feet... you can go fuck yourself. If you want me then treat me how I deserve to be treated .... shit or get off the pot. Obviously I think you are a good guy if I have you in my life but I am NOT going to give you an inch and allow you to take a mile ANYMORE! No more booty calls, no more waiting around... the old jen is back and she is not going to take this crap anymore. I am worth the very best... I am loving and giving to my family and friends... I'm kind and caring to the little dance girls that I teach ... I give myself enormously to others and I am worth an equal respecting relationship and I'm not going to take any less ANYMORE from ANYONE.
I feel better... don't you?
... must be the puppy chow...
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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