being alone doesn't mean lonely
Current mood:
I have been thinking alot the past few days... I really don't understand people. Everyone is so afraid to be alone when really, you is all you really have anyway! I wish I could be enlightened here cuz i simply don't get it. I see all of my friends get hurt time after time and still not have enough respect for themselves to move on...
...I see my friends desperately seeking attention from the opposite sex... like some form of validation that can only be achieved by constant worrying over whats going to happen, what someone thinks of you, and how you should act to win their affection. Not just my girlfriends... but my guy friends too! And so many times I see them settle... settle for less than they deserve and never demand anything more. Its like a constant motto of "if you can't have the one you love just settle for loving the one you are with". All in the name of having someone. Do people tell themselves "well... they may not be what i want... they may not treat me very well... but at least I have someone"...? What a way to live!
Is there something that I am missing? I have had enough boyfriends to know what love is and what I do and do not want and granted... having someone is nice but settling for less than? Or worse.. settling for anything at all? ::SIGH:: i don't think I will ever get it. I just think that you have to love YOURSELF and respect yourself enough to demand the most. They say that you settle only for what you think you deserve... so why don't people think they are worth more? Its just something I will never understand. I think the worst part is, I love my friends so much that I can't just say not my problem when they are hurting... i can't just say not my problem with that "special someone" has hurt them yet again... I can't just say not my problem when they are back in the same boat they themselves have jumped back into. So i ask... what do i do? and what am i missing? I feel like i'm the only person on the face of the plannet that doesn't understand that urge to have someone around all the time... is there something that i'm just not catching on to? Yes... the opposite sex is nice, cute, wonderful, and totally fun but why is everything always based on the opposite sex? Look at all that people go through just for the approval of the opposite sex. Look at the torture people put themselves through... all the sadness, drama, hassle... and for what? Maybe i have been single too long to remember what its like to want that in your life
... to remember the bonus of having all of this turmoil just to "have someone". I just believe people confuse LUST with LOVE ... lust... that is what one night stands are for. Relationships should be taken more seriously.
...Can someone give me a clue? cuz i think i'm missing the point 
...throw me a bone! ... must be the puppy chow....
Originally published on my myspace blog on the given date*
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