Okay... so today's topic for thought is time.
Life is so busy we always tend to put things off until "someday". "Someday" I will go back to school... "someday" I will get into the gym... "someday" I will have the things I want. We settle for the "for now"s in hopes that the "someday"s will just magically appear... well... "someday".
The truth is, most of our "someday"s are really "never"s. Without a plan, without commitment to getting things in our lives done now, they are simply thoughts... ideas... for what we think "someday" will hold.
I see this a lot in my life and in the lives of my dearest friends and family. We're so busy with work, or the kids, or what ever millions of things that we feel are priority right now that the things we truly want... the things that can't be completed in a moment and produce instant gratification... are often just pushed into the wrong catagory.... the to do list that never gets done.
My challenge to myself... and to all of us... is to start making a commitment to acheving our goals... our dreams... now, not "someday". There will always be some pressing matter, some daily issue, crisis, complaint, task, obstacle, or fear that can completely eat up all of our time if we let it. Life is never going to slow down, you aren't going to get more time, and there are no do overs. The only time is now, and time is one commodity you can go pick up more of with the rest of the grocery list at your local Target.
Life is so precious and dreams are truly gifts given to us to make us unique and enrich our lives if we choose to chase them. Define yourself, love life, and never use "someday" as a reason... because I've never seen "someday" on any calendar, clock, or planner. Instead... start saying Today.
... must be the puppy chow. ;) xx Jen xx
Jen needs to have a session or two with a therapist
Jen needs rates on 2 scenerios
Jen needs to find a self righteous, conspicuous "I'm better than you" charitable position so she can keep charming the sheep into thinking she matters
Jen Needs Human Anatomy Lessons
Jen Needs a Muzzle
Jen needs to take some time and be by herself
Jen Needs advice
Jen needs to be a My Little Pony
Jen needs to just back off a little
Jen needs to get rid of him
LOL WOW. Some of you will find most of these quite appropriate to situations of the current moment... I just think i need to be a my little pony :LOL!!!